Saturday, June 18, 2016

Free the brain
O vile nicotine,
You enter through the alveolar sac
and then you attack
You pass the BB barrier
With acetyl choline as your carrier
O vile Nicotine,
You ride on us like a pannier
And you make us snappier, tetchier
While we falsely think we are happier
O vile nicotine,
You enter the hypothalamus
with all the force you slam us
dopamine you cascade
in the mesolimbic and the frontal cortex, you pervade
and into our minds you invade
your machinations are so energy homeostatic
that you leave us high and ecstatic
O vile Nicotine, trick the brain you do
you are so very shewrd
to make us think of you as food
Then cleverly, you play with our mood
With the synaptic neurotransmission you allude
You trump up by creating the wanting
With all your flaunting and haunting
Seemingly, to stave you off is daunting
Meandering through the neuronal jungle
O vile nicotine, us you enslave
To fall for you we were naive
Devoid of all your powers
Deplete you do in about two hours
You leave us as your lovers
O vile nicotine induce you do a crave so intense
Oblivious we are of your pretence
To know we have come of your greed
O vile nicotine you will not succeed
Into us you will not arrive
With you we will not connive
O vile nicotine, now you will not thrive
Our sanity we will not let you deprive
Entry into us you cannot gain
As the do gooder you  can’t  feign
This is the end of your reign
O vile nicotine you cannot cause any more pain

Free the brain